How can we know which noun is singular and plural????Lets check this.
1. Masculine noun (the article is  "der") and neutral (the article is  "das") which is ending with "el","er","en","chen" most of them didn't change.
example :
Singular         Plural
der koffer     die koffer
der büffel      die büffel

There are some exceptions for these nouns :
Singular         Plural
der bauer      die bauern
der apfel       die äpfel
der vater       die väter
der bruder     die brüderr
der vogel       die vögel

2.there are many neutral nouns (the article is "das") which received additional "el" and umlaut (a become ä,u become ü etc) in the plural form.
example :
Singular         Plural
das buch       die bücher
das glas        die gläser

there are a few neutral noun in plural form we add "s" behind the noun
example :
Singular         Plural
das kino       die kinos
das foto        die fotos
das auto        die autos
das cafë        die cafës
das büro        die büros
das taxi         die taxis
das hotel       die hotels
das diplom    die diploms

3. Feminim nouns which is ending with "e" in the plural form we add " n " behind the noun.
example  :

Singular         Plural
die suppe       die suppen
die sprache    die sprachen

4.feminime noun which is ending with " in" in the plural form we add "nen" behind the noun

example  :

Singular                Plural
die sekretärin       die sekretärinnen
die studentin         die stidentinnen

There are some nouns that only  have plural form.
1. die ferien
2. die leute
3. die eltern


1. for accusative and nominative case we use "die" as the article to show the plural noun.
2.for noun and verb we use the plural verb and noun

example : 
singular : die schule liegt in hangtuah straße
plural    : die schulen liegen in hangtuah straße

singular : das haus ist schön
plural    : die haus sind schön

Minggu, 14 Februari 2010 Posted in | |